1992 Morgan Plus 8

1992 Morgan Plus 8

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Day 20- Mt Cook Rest Day

This will be a short blog as we primarily RESTED at Mt. Cook. Hence mostly photos of Mt. Cook.
Mt Cook
Mountains next to Mt. Cook
Mt Cook
We purchased tickets to the Sir Edmund Hilary's Museum where we watched films on Mt. Cook Magic in 3 D, Sir Edmund Hilary, and Black Holes. We will watch the remainder of the films tomorrow AND take a walk to my tolerance. 
Old transport car at Mt. Cook
Car to transport people to Mt Cook
Lunch was in the Cafe with Michael and Patsy (Michael hasn't posted the photo), with dinner again a buffet. 
 Patsy is pretty much over her cold, which was a really bad one, and mostly over the accident, with some residual pain in her left ribs. She is back to being herself, "almost" she says. 
Patsy and Michael
Michael and Patsy 

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