1992 Morgan Plus 8

1992 Morgan Plus 8

Monday, December 30, 2013

Morgans Passed Agricultural Inspection (MPI)

New Zealand is very particular about not bringing bugs or plants onto their island and thus have an agricultural inspection for cleanliness (MPI). All the cars have now passed, now on to their registration- we are added to their books under our foreign license number and of course, pay a fee,  and Warrant of Fitness (WOF), another fee- checking to be sure "everything works safely" next week.
Geoff is picking his Morgan up today.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

All 17 US/UK Morgans are In Auckland

We received notice that the US Morgans were unpacked today at the agents in Auckland and will be inspected on Monday.  Ours US ones arrived safely and were well packed. We are so thrilled. 
Ours and Michaels



Tuesday, December 24, 2013

UK Morgans Make It To Auckland

Here are two of the UK Morgans that their owners have posted on Facebook as having arrived safely in Auckland. Ours have arrived but are still at the dock while workers celebrate Christmas. Hope they will be ready on time for our arrivals.
Dave's Morgan

Richard's Morgan
Geoff has also created a logo for our trip to make badges and other regalia. 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

US Morgans Arrive in Auckland Port

Checking the map today (which is tomorrow 12/23 in Auckland), the ship with our Morgans has arrived in Auckland. It will be a few days before Ian gets them and they are inspected. The UK cars arrived will be delivered and checked today.

Friday, December 20, 2013

3 Morgans Shipped to New Zealand

After much hassle, the three US Morgans are finally on the ship headed to Auckland New Zealand.  The passage is about 16 days from the West Coast.

2005 Roadster

1992 Plus 8

2003 Plus 8 Anniversary